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Traditional Piña Colada Recipe

The History:

July 10 is national Piña Colada Day! In celebration of basically everyone’s favorite drink, here’s a little bit of history and our favorite recipe.


Straight from the island of Puerto Rico, the Piña Colada quickly became a sensation. Some might say there is no drink as refreshing as the Piña Colada, therefore, no better drink during the hot Summer months. While this drink has many variations that change the taste or look, the original Piña Colada has a very interesting history.


During the 1950s, a bartender at the time named Ramón “Monchito” Marrero was experimenting with his bar supplies and alcohol to try and create his very own signature cocktail for the hotel’s bar. He wanted this drink to embody the environment and culture of Puerto Rico while also giving off a refreshing taste to its drinker. Many people know the popularity of coconut in Puerto Rico. Since the coconut grows very well in that warm climate, the ingredient was very easy to come across. Monchito knew that his new drink must include coconut. In the very beginning, the Piña Colada was served without the signature rum! Marrero found that when ice, diced pineapple, and its juice, and Coco Lopez coconut cream were mixed together, the outcome was a delicious virgin milkshake. The only issue with this is that he was working as a bartender and wanted to make this milkshake alcoholic, as was the original idea of this creation. After many experiments and taste tests by Marrero and his co-workers, they finally found the perfect alcohol to go along with the sweetness of the pineapple and coconut: Puerto Rico Rum. 


Soon after this invention, the popularity of the Piña Colada skyrocketed. Nowadays, you can see this drink in the hands of celebrities, parents, family members, and just about anyone you can think of. Rightfully so, the Piña Colada was named the national drink of Puerto Rico in 1978; just 20 years after its creation! 

What is our favorite recipe?


There are many different recipes and variations of the Piña Colada today. This tends to happen to very popular drinks as people want to make it their own. After many trials, we have finally found our favorite, and what we consider, the best recipe out there!




  • 1 1/2 cup ice
  • 1/2 cup diced pineapple, frozen
  • 2 ounces pineapple juice
  • 2 ounces Coco Lopez coconut cream
  • 1 1/2 ounces white rum
  • 1-ounce dark rum
  • Pineapple slices




  1. Put the ice, juice, frozen pineapple, coconut cream, and both the white and dark rums into a blender. 
  2. Blend until smooth and frosty. 
  3. Pour the drink into two glasses and garnish the rim with pineapple slices.


The directions for this drink are simple and easy to follow. The place where most people mess up is getting the exact measurements of the ingredients. Follow these instructions to the tee and you won’t regret it! 

Stop by your nearest Cox’s and Evergreen Liquors and pick up some Puerto Rican Rum to complete the best Piña Colada ever!