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Your Favorite Treat from Childhood is Now an Adult Beverage

Thu, Jun 13, 24

Your Favorite Treat from Childhood is Now an Adult Beverage

When we were kids, summer meant cool grass under bare feet, the occasional splinter from a wooden swing set, and hands that existed in a constant state of stickiness from fistfulls of dry cereal from the box, peaches that dribbled juice down our arms, and of course…frozen treats.


Popsicles. (The plastic kind with the juice you’d slurp out of the bottom).

Orange Creamsicle Push-Ups. Like orange and vanilla lived happily ever after with 2.5 kids.

Rocket Pops. Red, white, blue, and delicious all over.

Then there were the treats that graced the picnic tables at every BBQ and family reunion…

Lemonade. The good kind, and heck no we don’t mean freshly squeezed. This was the 80’s and 90’s, Country Time lemonade mix reigned supreme. Jell-O salads with pretzels on top. 

Sigh. The days when a few quarters bought you a fudgesicle from a tinkling truck…100% worth the line and the sprint through the sprinkler to find the elusive truck around the corner. Well, adulthood gives us plenty of great perks too. Like a cold beer on a hot day, spritzers by the pool, and — thanks to our lineup here — your favorite childhood treats transformed into adult beverages! How much fun did we have building this list? Safe to say we felt like kids again!

SUNiCE Spiked Pouches

SUNiCE Spiked Pouches are like a rom-com between Capri Suns and a cocktail. But these aren’t the silver-foil pouches you drank after soccer games. The pouch has grown up, people! Asking yourself, “What do I bring on a booze cruise?” (Cringey name, but we all use it). With real-fruit filled flavors like Passion Tiki, Mango Lychee, Triple Tropic Twist, and Watermelon Margarita Smash, SUNiCE has crafted 5% alcohol, 110-calorie refreshments that are almost absurdly convenient. Freeze them, and they save room in your cooler, acting like stackable ice packs. 

This is for the beach-goers, and the boat people. You know who you are, and SUNiCE knows you too…that’s why their pouches can be RESEALED as you’re drinking. Every canned beverage and bottle of beer take note: SUNiCE just scored major points with the summer crowd. Your turn on the water skis? Sip or seal. Rotating in for sand volleyball? Sip or seal. Need to unwrap a sandwich and buckle a toddler’s life vest? Sip or seal. Bonus points: The straws are compostable, so no turtles or wildlife are at risk from your happy day drinking.

Slrrrp Alcohol-Infused Jello Shots

How do you make a good jello shot? You swipe your card and let someone else do the magic for you. Thank Slrrrp Shots for creating plant-based gelatin cups that house jiggly, brightly colored, vodka-infused slurps of wonder. You’re not in high school, so focus on mastering your smoked brisket or your guacamole and buy the darn jello shots. Because let’s be honest — they’re cute, tasty, and a hilarious nostalgic throwback. Everyone at your BBQ will laugh, and from what we’ve seen, almost everyone wants to join in on the fun. We recommend you freeze your gelatin cups for a frosty, refreshing treat… Our favorite summer option is the Variety Pack with Strawberry, Blue Raspberry, and White Cherry. (They also make agave-spirit infused and whiskey-infused options, because why not?). Buy, chill, slurp.

Twisted Shotz

It was a good day in middle school when you opened your lunch bag and found (drumroll…) a vanilla AND chocolate pudding cup. The thrill of two flavors in one container was second only to Pizza Fridays. Now that we’re all grown up, we still feel that thrum of excitement when someone hands us a Twisted Shotz. The idea is simple, yet satisfying: two cocktail-inspired flavors in each shot, with combinations like Strawberry Sundae (strawberry vodka and vanilla cream), Miami Vice (strawberry daiquiri and pina colada), and Jolli Jolli (watermelon and green apple…and yes it does taste like a jolly rancher!). At 20% alc./vol, these potent little delights deliver quite the punch, so please drink responsibly.

Orange Creamsicle Cocktail

Keep your quarters. This orange creamsicle cocktail recipe is one of our favorites, and whisks us right back to those summer days with frosty paper-wrapped treats. 

Orange Creamsicle Cocktail Recipe:

(Makes one large drink or two small drinks)

Boozy Fudgesicles

We feel these need no introduction. They are exactly what the name implies: Boozy. Fudge. Frozen. Perfection. And they only take 10 minutes to make. (Just be sure to freeze for 5+ hours).

Bourbon (we are based in Kentucky, after all), rum, Kahlua…all solid options. For this recipe we like to use Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream

Boozy Fudgsicles (Makes 6 popsicles):

Now, if you ever need a trip down memory lane with a grown-up twist, we at Cox’s & Evergreen are always here to reminisce and clink glasses. Cheers!

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By digitalteam@high10digital.com