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8 Tips for Responsible Day Drinking | Cox's & Evergreen Liquors

Wed, Apr 03, 24

8 Tips for How to Day Drink Responsibly

Ah, yes, Spring. The balmy, sunny season of brunch on patios, barbecues, graduation parties, and the promise of boats on the lake, and corn hole in the backyard. You probably have a favorite drink for each scenario, from mimosas to a crisp, cold lager…sangria, High Noon’s, and chilled rose. 

But, if you’re perusing this blog, you know there is such a thing as too much of a good thing

We believe in drinking responsibly and encourage our friends to do the same. The goal is “spirited, not sloppy”, both for your health and your long-term happiness. So, whether you’re making a game plan for surviving a bachelorette weekend or simply Spring Break with the family, here are a few of our tried-and-true strategies for how to prevent a hangover

Sound obvious? Water is truly the easiest way to dilute the effects of alcohol. Try to drink a glass of water between each beverage, and at least one glass (8 oz.) of water each hour. Not only does H2O refresh your system, but it can help you slow your pace…choose sparkling water and toss in a lemon slice, and most folks won’t even realize you’re not sipping on something stronger.

As if you needed an excuse to go for the guacamole — dip those chips with pride and remind yourself how a meal high in carbohydrates, fats, and protein before you drink is an excellent way to stave off hangover symptoms and slow down alcohol absorption in the body. Need a few ideas for what to eat before drinking? Our go-to’s include a peanut butter and banana sandwich, wings (easy to order as an appetizer), the charcuterie table (cheese and meat are perfect), or packing a high-calorie protein bar in your purse or pocket. Try not to go more than three hours without eating something, and you’ll keep your blood sugar steadier and your alcohol less achy.

Ever heard of congeners? You can thank these lovely compounds for their contribution to your past (and hopefully not future) hangovers. They’re found in higher density in darker liquors like rum, and yes — even our beloved bourbon. So if your day is going to include multiple drinks, stick to a clear liquor like vodka, gin, tequila, or a white wine spritzer. 

Sip. Savor. Treat it like a marathon, not a sprint, and sip slowly. The best way to pace your drinking? We like to set a limit for the number of drinks we'll have and stick to it. Treat yourself with that level of respect and you’ll be much happier the next morning. A great option for keeping track of your consumption is RTDs, or Ready to Drinks. That way it’s a set amount, instead of a gracious pour from your host or the temptation of a taller self-pour. 

Science, you beautiful creature. We now know there are certain vitamins to prevent hangovers. Some people find relief from hangovers by taking supplements such as vitamin B complex or electrolyte tablets before or after drinking. A 2004 study even showed that imbibers who drank prickly pear extract before drinking cut their risk of a severe hangover in half (and yes, it’s available on Amazon). 

It may seem obvious, but sleep is king when it comes to hangover solutions. It’s important to let your body recover after drinking alcohol, so get enough sleep (aim for 6-8 hours) to keep the hangovers at bay and help your system reset.

Whether it’s later in the afternoon or the next morning, rehydrate after your revelry with electrolyte-infused beverages. We like Biolyte, and the Liquid IV brand. If you haven’t tried Liquid IV, it comes in little packets (picture powdered Kool-Aid) you simply mix with water, and contains potassium, sodium, glucose, and vitamins B3, B5, B6, and B12, along with Vitamin C to help revive your system faster than water on its own. 

It’s easy. It’s tasty. It doesn’t have alcohol. Going the non-alcoholic route is the only way to truly guarantee a hangover-free hangout. You can also mix them in throughout the day to give yourself a break. The market for non-alcoholic beers and zero-proof spirits has expanded in a big way: The best non-alcoholic beer can taste truly authentic, and a few of our favorites include Athletic Brewing Non-Alcoholic Beer, Heineken 0.0, and Ritual Zero Proof Distilled Non-Alcoholic spirits…they come in rum, whiskey, and gin, and are a solid substitute for their more potent brethren.

We love giving advice, and we like to think we’re pretty decent at taking it. That said, no magic elixir, not even these tips, guarantees hangover prevention or remedy. To drink responsibly is to respect your well-being, and it elevates the safety and enjoyment of others. Most of the times we drink with family and friends are times worth remembering, so moderating your intake and being mindful of your limits makes the memories stick. We’re firm believers that a great drink can enhance a social experience without compromising or endangering ourselves or others. Just be smart, be savvy, and remember how you respond to alcohol may vary from Uncle Fred or your new girlfriend. 

From all of us at Cox’s & Evergreen: Listen to your body, practice moderation, and have a heck of a good time. Cheers!
By team@high10digital.com